Saturday, January 29, 2011

Transportation in the City

Portland has an amazing transportation system!  You are probably asking yourself, why am I writing a blog post on transportation?  The Hubs and I used to live in Southern California, a place where a car is very necessary.  One of the things I was most looking forward to in our move to Portland, is not driving to work on a 5 lane highway for 40 plus minutes every day!  You don't really need a car when you live in this city, you can walk or ride your bike (more on this later).  Or you can use the Trimet Transportation system, which includes the Max (kind of like the Bart in San Fran), the Wes, the streetcar or the bus. 

So for those of you who are not familiar with the city, Portland is split into 4 quadrants - the Northwest, the Southwest, the Northeast and the Southeast.  North and South is split by the street, Burnside and East and West is split by the Willamette River. The Hubs and I live in the Northwest and I work a couple streets past Burnside in the Southwest.  We purposely wanted to live within range of the streetcar.  So for all our friends and family, this is how I get to work!  Be jealous :)

One of the Streetcar/Bus stations.  There is a marker that lets people know which direction they are headed and how much time is left until the next streetcar arrives
The streetcar basically does one big loop throughout the Southwest and Northwest.  If you are heading North, then you would look for a sign that says 23rd, if you are headed South then you are looking for S. Waterfront.  Within the main industrial city limits, there is a free zone where everyone can ride for free!  If you look at the map above, the orange line is the streetcar path and the dotted red line identifies the free zone.  We live a few blocks outside of the free zone area, so many of my neighbors walk to Gilsan and 11th which is the first stop within the free zone.

This is the streetcar station on Gilsan and 11th
A shot of the streetcar heading toward the station
A shot of the inside of the streetcar
The shot of the streetcar above is in the morning, when I take the streetcar home at night it is very densely packed.  I take the streetcar to Alder and 11th aka downtown.  From there I walk 3 blocks to work.

The awning in the distance is the pizza parlor below my office
The streetcars come every 10-15 minutes depending on the time of day.  If you fail to pay and you get caught, then they usually give you a warning and kick you off at the next stop.  This almost happened to me before I received my annual trimet pass.  The fine if you get caught I hear is very large, and I am so very glad that I never found out how much that amount really is.  Getting an annual trimet pass is worth every penny.   My company is awesome and they give their employees annual trimet passes, I think they as a business gets a tax deduction for it.  But the majority of my coworkers use some form of public transportation to get to work.  The annual pass is $968, which may seem like a lot, but I used to fill up my car gas tank once a week in Southern California...  Now my car sits in our complex garage and I don't drive it until my Trader Joe run on the weekend.  

If you are thinking of visiting Portland, you can take the Max directly from the airport into the city (station in baggage claim) and you can get a trimet day pass for the rest of your vacation.

I google mapped the distance between my apartment and my office.  My office is .9 miles, so when it is not raining hard then I try to walk to work as my daily exercise.  I have been here for a month and I have only had to ride the streetcar once in the morning to avoid the rain.  I have come to love my peaceful morning walk in this beautiful city!  Until next time!

The view down 11th... one of the streets that I can walk down in the morning

Friday, January 21, 2011

Food: Street Cart Adventures Part 1, 2 and 3

Foodies come to the Pacific Northwest to gain access to locally sourced and sustainable food!  True story... the woman at Le Cordon Bleu here in the city told me when I was looking at culinary schools a couple years ago.  Portland also dedicates blocks (yup, multiple) to food cart vendors.  I am very lucky to work 2 blocks south of one of the street cart locations.  There are multiple locations all over the city and you can find more information about that and the carts themselves here

December 28th, 2010
In the first week that the Hubs and I arrived, we stopped at the street carts to check it out.  The Hubs got a Korean burrito filled with bulgogi beef from Korean Twist and I ordered one of my favorites, Pad Thai from I Like Thai Food!  The food was delicious and inexpensive!  

Korean Burrito!

$5 Pad Thai, yes $5 - awesome
Flash forward to January 18th...
The Hubs can tell you that my office is pretty awesome, we have a fully stocked kitchen.  Two fridges, two cold boxes, a pantry full of food... it definitely has it's advantages!  But on Tuesday, I was not feeling any of it.  So, even though it was raining harder then usual, I decided to brave the rain and 46 degree weather to try a new cart!

Note the umbrellas... gotta love the rainy city!
Savor the Soup has been on my list from our the first time we visited the street carts and today's weather called for soup!  I waited for 30 minutes for my tomato soup with fennel and orange and half classic grilled cheese ( with Tillamook cheddar).  It totally hit the spot!  Savor the Soup features 5 different soups each day, so I will have to go back.  I want to try the Pappa al Pomodoro, Pulled Pork Posole and Smoky Split Pea.  Am I making you hungry... just check out the images on their site! 

Today, January 21...
Another rainy day and another food cart adventure.  Today, I craved a second helping of Pad Thai from I Like Thai Food.  I also mentioned to a certain friend in SoCal that I would film the street cart scene, but my video skills are a bit shaky, so I settled on taking photos.   For all you SoCal people, here is a look at lunch time... no food courts with heaters.

As you can tell there are so many food carts to try, I'm only showing you 4 blocks out of the 5 that are on Alder and 10th.  There will definitely be more street cart adventures, so stayed tuned... apparently there is a grilled cheese bus in in the SE that I need to find!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Penguins in Portland: The Beginning

This blog is for our family and friends (and future children if you ask the hubs) about our adventures and discoveries in Portland, Oregon.   We wanted to share with you the sights, sounds and tastes of this beautiful city!

So let’s get the general stuff out of the way.  Penguins?  The hubs and I love the idea that Penguins mate for life, plus I think they are cute, so penguins are our animals.  So Portland?  The hubs and I both attended college in Southern California and moving North was something on both of our minds from date number one.  I wanted to live in a city and Portland was a city that met both of our needs.  Green (literally, trees everywhere!), down to earth, walkable, great restaurants, the list can go on.  So for our SoCal friends, maybe this blog can convince you why we made the move... but we think of you often and we miss you all! ~D&T

Doggie Adventures: Dog meets snow

This post is specifically for my mother on her request...  Kaleo was born and raised for most of his life on the island of Maui!  He spent most of his days sun bathing!  Last year, Kaleo flew to California to live with his big sister and her husband.  And unwillingly, Kaleo has now made another move to rainy Portland, Oregon.  On our way up here, we stopped in Bend, Oregon for Christmas and Kaleo had his first introduction to snow! 

This is a test to see if my imovie will work :)